Home » Case Studies » Bowed Basement Wall Repair in Reynoldsburg, OH

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Bowed Basement Wall Repair in Reynoldsburg, OH
Customer: Joyce & Everett B.
Location: Powell, OH 43065
Project Manager: Jarrod McDonald
Installation Foreman: Jessie Hall

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Project Description


The homeowners called in because they noticed their basement walls were bowing. It’s popular belief that a house is only as solid as its foundation. Bowed walls can start out as a small issue, but untreated they can turn into a major problem! Not wanting everything that matters to literally “cave in”, this caused great concern. Looking for someone to solve the problem, the homeowners called The Basement Doctor!


AMS Technician Phil Eddy went out to the home to examine the issue. He discovered that her Watchdog brand battery backup sump pump was no longer working. Phil also noticed the 1 horse power sump pump was struggling to keep the basement from flooding. The culmination of these issues, only confirmed the frustration of the homeowner. Phil immediately “got on the job”! He removed the low grade, non-working sump pumps and battery backups. He replaced them with a ½ horsepower Champion sump pump and Wayne battery backup. As a double threat, together these sump pumps were able to faithfully manage the high flow of water. This not only saved the homeowner emotional stress, but it prevented her home from flooding.

Anything special that stood out to you in this project:

In our business, we find that shortcuts aren’t the answer in fixing the problem. People tend to look for the cheapest and quickest way out, but pay for their decisions down the line. The homeowner had Everdry out and they offered their solution. They proposed installing a perimeter drain on the inside and outside. While they would be installing the outside drain, they would coat the wall with hydraulic cement. This obviously would not have supported the wall, as it was bowing inward, and could’ve caused a nightmare for the homeowner to deal with.